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Fotovoltaická sestava na balkon, terasu, zahradu na mřížku Growatt invertor + 1 panel 355W + zařízení

Fotovoltaická sestava na balkon, terasu, zahradu na mřížku Growatt invertor + 1 panel 355W + zařízení

6 118,34 Kč +DPH
1 046,67 PLN
1 kus
6 118,34 Kč +DPH
1 046,67 PLN
1 ×
1 046,67 PLN +DPH
(1 kus)
1 000,00 PLN
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Microset of a photovoltaic power plant for installation on a balcony, terrace or allotment garden.
The balcony power plant.
the power of the set does not exceed 800W, so, according to the regulations, it does not require notification to the power plant.
However, due to the fact that such an installation can send electricity to the grid and thus the energy sent can be billed as received, we encourage you to report this installation to the energy company and submit an application for a contract for a prosumer.In this case, the energy sent to the grid will be billed at the wholesale price against energy consumption.The return on investment is estimated at approximately 9 years.
If you do not want to send energy to the grid and sign a contract with the utility, you can choose an off-grid set, which in principle does not send energy to the grid.
The set includes a Growatt inverter with current NC-RFG certificates, enabling you to report to the power plant and sign a prosumer contract (some competitive offers include cheaper inverters but without certificates, which cannot be connected to the network 230V)
The inverter in this set has a WiFi module included in the price, which allows you to remotely monitor its operation on an Android or IOS phone.Note: some competitors' offers do not have the ability to be monitored as standard.You have to buy additional, expensive equipment.
The panels should be installed so that they face south.They can face west or east, but the efficiency will decrease by approximately 30%.It is best for the panels to be inclined 30 degrees to the horizontal, but obtaining this angle when installing on a balcony is difficult.
It is most convenient to install it vertically, i.e. 90 degrees, but then the efficiency drops by 40%.Therefore, it is recommended to raise to an angle of 70 degrees, which greatly improves the performance.This can be done using mounting triangles from our offer.
Of course, the assembly of the panels must be solid and absolutely preclude their detachment and fall.Remember that such a falling panel can seriously injure people under the balcony.
This set does not include an assembly system, you must make it yourself or choose an assembly kit from our offer.
The inverter should be installed inside the house/apartment, near the 230V socket on the wall.Connect the panels to the inverter with black and red solar cables with MC4. plugsConnect the inverter to the 230V socket with a typical plug.
It is worth asking an electrician for help to assess whether your home installation is safe.The connected generating installation is of such low power that there is no additional threat resulting from its connection (e.g. a kettle for water for tea has 2 times greater power).

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