F&F DRM-01 detektor pohybu mikrovlnný 5A 230V AC 360st IP20 bílý

F&F DRM-01 detektor pohybu mikrovlnný 5A 230V AC 360st IP20 bílý

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F&F motion sensor DRM-01 microwave 1200W 230V AC 360st white

Microwave active motion sensor DRM-01 it is used for automatic, temporary switching on of the lighting in the event of the appearance of a person or other object, in such places as: bathrooms, halls, corridors, courtyards, approaches and driveways, garages, etc.The nature of the action allows you to use it DRM-01 also as a presence sensor.

The microwave motion sensor detects movement through wooden boards, plasterboards, glass and plastics.

Microwave motion sensor DRM-01 emits and receives high-frequency electromagnetic waves 5,8 ghz.The sensor detects changes in the reflection of the waves caused by the movement of the object in the detection area.The sensor recognizes the movement of the object "to" and "from" the sensor.Movement in the detection field automatically turns on the lighting.From the moment of switching on, continuous movement causes permanent switching on of this lighting.Only the lack of movement in the detection field triggers the lighting hold time.Another movement in the detection field and its disappearance during the countdown will trigger the backup time from the beginning.After the set time, the lighting will be turned off automatically.

Microwave motion sensor DRM-01 is equipped with a twilight switch that prevents switching on the controlled lighting during the day.The detection status and readiness to switch on the lighting are activated only after dusk.The activation time of the motion sensor can be corrected by the user with a potentiometer.It is possible to adjust the area of the detection field in the range of the radius 1÷10 m (for h= 2,5 m).It is also possible to adjust the receiver activation time in the range 5 s÷12 min.The activation of the receiver is signaled by the green LED.

Microwave motion sensor DRM-01 can work indoors.Temperature changes do not affect motion detection.

Microwave motion sensor DRM-01 is a completely safe device.The power of microwave radiation is relatively low.It is completely safe for people and animals.Its value is below 10 mW.For comparison, a microwave oven and a mobile phone radiate with a power of approx.1000 mW (100 times stronger).

The device is adapted for mounting on a panel, built-in inside lighting fixtures or in other housings and installation boxes.

User manual
>> Manual DRM-01 pl


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