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Automatický odsolovač vody DF 3.0 Mijar

Automatický odsolovač vody DF 3.0 Mijar

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A device designed for desalination of water - a process that removes salts dissolved in water.
District water undergoes pre-filtration and purification to remove all mechanical, chemical and organic impurities.It is then fed to an osmotic membrane, where all impurities and mineral salts are filtered out.Clean, demineralized water is directed to the dishwasher, while the salted water is discharged into the sewage system or can be used for other purposes.The entire desalination system consists of a DF system and a water storage tank.The tank can be pressurized or non-pressurized.When using a non-pressurized tank, the pump supplies water to the dishwasher.The system can operate both with and without a storage tank.The selection of the appropriate solution depends on local conditions and, above all, on the water demand of the dishwasher.The only thing you need to do is periodically replace the primary water purification filters about once a year.
Application of the device: glass washers, convection steam ovens.

  • Capacity [l/min]: for feed water temperature 15°C - 3 l/min; for feed water temperature 25°C - 4 l/min; for feed water temperature 30°C - 5,5 l/min
  • Maximum operating temperature [°C]: <40
  • Dimensions [mm]: 33x45x75
  • Connection diameter [inch]: ?

The reverse osmosis method is the most cost-effective way to obtain purified and completely desalinated water.Desalination process
occurs in the osmotic membrane.The membrane is structured like a sieve that only allows clean water to pass through, while all particles larger than the sieve holes (e.g. mineral salts) are directed to the sewage system.In this process, the flowing water is separated into two parts:
-fully desalinated water directed, for example, to a dishwasher;
-salted water directed to sewage or used for other purposes, e.g. washing floors.

Equipment Necessary for proper operation of the system:
1.Filtr pre-cleaning type Prefilter AF-C2. - INCLUDED
Replacement after flowing 18 thousand liters of water, or once a year
Additional equipment Necessary for the system to operate properly:
2.Zbiornik pressure storage.Required tank capacity 30% greater than the amount of water
needed to fill the wash chamber when the dishwasher is first filled with water.
Type RO 30 Dimensions: diameter/height 40/60 cm.Capacity 30 liters Net list price 705,00 PLN
Type RO 48 Dimensions: diameter/height 40/80 cm.Capacity 48 liters Net list price 915,00 PLN
3.Zestaw connection: Valve, Hose, Couplings Net list price 255,00 PLN

Automatic water desalinators recommended by professionals.

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