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How to choose the best heat pump?

Alternative heat sources that do not use fossil fuels: coal, gas or oil, are becoming more and more popular. Therefore, you do not have to be surprised that the interest in heat pumps is really huge. They are perfect not only when you want to heat a room – they can also be used to prepare tap water. There is more than one heat pump on the market. The choice is really huge, which makes it difficult to find the really good ones – it's not that easy. We advise you on what you need to take into account in order to introduce to your offer such heat pumps that will be very popular among customers.

How does a heat pump work?

A heat pump is a device that, despite the popular opinion, does not generate heat. This device differs from classic coal or gas stoves that produce heat using a certain type of fuel, such as coal. Its only function is to enable the extraction of heat from the environment and its transformation into a form that will be useful. To use more professional language, the heat pump alternately compresses and decompresses the working medium, which is associated with the extraction of heat and its transfer to the heating system.

What can you use the heat pump for?

If you are creating an offer of heat pumps, you have to consider, among other things, what these devices are intended for. You must remember that central heating is not the only possible application. As we have already mentioned, warm tap water can also be the result of a heat pump. What's more, heat pumps can also be used to cool rooms in the summer. You also need to consider whether you should offer pumps that work independently or that will support the operation of the boiler. Remember that some models will work great in each of the indicated applications, others not necessarily. Fortunately, the online trading platform gives you the opportunity to buy heat pumps for various purposes.

Which bottom source should you choose?

If a company want to replace a solid fuel boiler with a modern heat pump, need to decide on the heat source from which the device will draw its energy. Various heat pumps are available. Producers offer those based on the energy of surface water, groundwater, air, as well as those that use the ground. On most properties, the access to groundwater is insufficient for a water heat pump to be used. As a result, customers most often look for air and ground source heat pumps. For this reason, you need to make sure you have them in your offer.

Which heating should you choose if you have a heat pump?

A heat pump is a device that works best for underfloor heating. It is worth remembering that this does not mean, however, that it cannot be used also in the case of radiators. Importantly, however, they cannot be just any heaters. You should reach for those referred to as low-temperature. These are radiators that are strongly wavy. Thanks to this, the heat exchange surface is really large.

What to do to use the heat pump and avoid high electricity bills?

When you want to sell a heat pump to your customers, inform them that such a device can consume a large amount of electricity. This does not mean that they are unprofitable. To avoid unnecessary costs, it is enough for the customer to install solar panels. It is a solution that not only saves money. It contributes to even greater care for the natural environment. Photovoltaics works really well, it is an excellent investment for years.

If you sell heat pumps, remember that customers have different needs and expectations. Therefore, make sure that your offer includes various heat pumps. If you additionally offer the installation of a photovoltaic system, your chances of success in the market are really very good. The devices offered by are of high quality and really affordable prices.